james no sleep

Monday, March 25, 2002
from experiment 2:day


Standing there this morning, brushing my teeth, I noticed that in the background somewhere, my mind wasn't the thing that was so very tired. My mind was clear and awake.
It was my eyes. They were in pain. Literally. They just wanted to close. And closing them made me instantly relaxed and on the verge of sleep again.

It was just strange because I don't necessarily believe I needed more sleep. ... But as I say that, I get tired.

What's going on here though? Something seems to be different than I usually assume...
...wjs ...10:28 AM...

it's not the mind that can't take missing sleep; it's entirely the body. throughout this entire project, my mind has been completely awake. the closest it has come to being greatly affected are the times when could feel my mind, though I remained completely in control of my logic; it was simply a matter of deciding which of the two voices in my mind (the 'crazy' one or the 'rational' one) I wanted to listen to. which implies a third level of my mind which can be subjective onto these other two.

I remember being told before that the human mind could process x individual thoughts at a time, but I can't remember what number x is... I think it might have been four or possibly five. three, at least. but it's not a huge number. and now I'm just noting to myself that, in my head right now, I can hear a train of thought going on about this and trying to figure out different trains, focusing more on having a song in one's head, another train verbalising the same concept more clearly, and another train that isn't quite worded that is recognising these two trains as well as itself... the brain can obviously handle more information than that at a time (i.e. physical functions aren't in here at all), but I'm only seeing three clearly focused trains of thought; everything else is a background process, somewhat unconscious. even deliberate acts. my typing this up, for instance, is deliberate, but the act of me typing on the keyboard is fairly unconscious and not something I focus on.

but anyway, every time throughout this that I said I was tired, it was always a physical tiredness. even two posts ago, when I kept putting completely incoherent things, the second I became aware of having done that, I would be wide awake; the mind wakes up the body to its level. the two parts, the mind and the body, are at odds; if the body falls asleep, it tries to drag the mind with it, but if the mind wakes up, it insists that the body comes too, whether it likes it or not.

the majority of the time, my mind has more power than my body, allowing me to do things like stay up late and get by on small amounts of sleep. however, this works both ways: should I be trying to go to sleep, my mind will keep me awake much longer than my body wants to. it takes a significant effort from my body to get my mind to do what it wants.

and it seems like the eyes are the part of the body that the mind has least sway over in convincing to stay awake. for me, as well, it was never my ... arm, let's say, that was trying to get me to sleep. though other parts of the body can make the drive; here my legs were working very insistantly to try and drag me to sleep. but they eyes do it the most. it becomes a struggle between the mind and the eyes for control over the body.

... which leads me to wonder, what about blind people?

mmmm big crash and sleep.
a full-sized sleep this time.
about six hours, maybe?

a fitting end, really.

I just remembered something that bryanna said the other day that I've been meaning to write in here, but kept forgetting: apparently, the best lengths of time for a nap are either 45 minutes or two hours. 45 minutes puts you to just before deep sleep, so if you wake up then you won't be too groggy. two hours is one complete sleep cycle.
so sayeth the wise bryanna.

six thirty. just took a shower. showers do not wake you up if you are tired. I kept closing my eyes in the shower and being unable to open them; it's a miracle I did not fall asleep in it. afterwards, I vlodrf my ryrd snd listened ... okay, I can't remember what I was thinking while writing that; though I can translate it. 'afterwards, I closed my eyes and listened...' all the mistakes are right next the pointed shiny blade iss ounour iiin ahound evil! ... okay, I can't decipher that one either. I'm tired and my eyes keep closing as I'm trying to right (write). I could probably use some resting right about now. I walked into a wall earlier because of this, and my vision is swirling. '''''''''''''''. (I giiiirrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm (note: I just broke this up so it wasn't going past the edge of my monitor; it should all really be connected.)

okay. let's try to start again. I am tired. I keep blacking out my vision and hitting the keyboard randomly. I think I know what I am doing half the time. but I'm really just putting ... I don't remember where that sentence was going. I have no memory at the moment.

my laundry is finished.

four-thirty am...
soon I plan on taking a shower and doing laundry.
haven't slept again since noon yesterday.
not really tired, but at the same time I can feel it every so often.
I have class at 9:30 tomorrow.


Sunday, March 24, 2002
from a comment here:

I'm currently debating as to where my project is at. I am still fully awake, but I am unsure of whether or not I am going to pursue this current attempt further...
I may, though. the other thing I'm thinking of is possibly resting properly, and then trying again in about a week or two (as that's when I've got more time again).

the primary problem is that I just keep falling asleep! I don't think I've managed to even make 24 hours with it throughout this... I'm trying, though, but it's tougher than I thought it would be.
which is odd, because I've done it before... I guess perhaps I was better rested. I think I'm continuing for now, actually, to a degree. I think I need to.

so I will be up for a while more, if nothing else... and I will be having another attempt.

I've been invited to join experiments 3 + 4 as well... this project seems to have gotten bigger than just me. it seems like I'm no longer doing this just for myself, or just for a class (something I know I had not mentioned in here before... this is a class project based on something I wanted to do), now I'm doing it for many. a fight against the tyranny of sleep and the bounds of reality.

I'm a maniac. how long can I keep up this pattern?

alright, I think this attepmt may be over for now. this is a post-attempt follow-up, then:
my entire body is sore from not resting properly.
I looked sort of like I was really high, earlier; very tired, red eyes, et cetera.
I am going to get some food now, as I have not eaten really. I had some bread, that's it. so food.

I'm sure there will be another attempt at this. I'm not sure when.

okay... am I still doing this?
I should get something to eat, anyway.
but I probably won't for the moment.

and now there's the question; is that it?
is this the end of attempt number one?
.... I'll have to decide. but I'm not a very good quitter; so I think I'm going to continue. and if I do stop now, will there be an attempt number two?
.... I think so; I feel like I need to do this; I need to stay awake beyond my limits; limits are just there to be redefined, aren't they?
so we'll see.

well, I fell asleep again.
for about four hours this time.
no, it was only about two hours.
my perception is still off.

but it was real sleep, though, not just half-sleeping. sigh.... I don't think I've even been able to make it for 24 hours straight through this.... bleh. it's never been this difficult for me before; I'm surprised and irritated by this fact. stupid bodily weakness, trying to make sure it doesn't fall apart...

blogger keeps sppsporadiv sproa sporadically giving me a pop up window asking for my password before it'll send off my stuuff... it's irritating.

and my browser keeps dying randomly.
and I jutst lowered my head and an had a sort of dream without falling asleep of an old man talking about ... how his generation could see colour better, I think. something abbout colour. raugh. if I lower my head; I go half-askeeo vasleep but I know what I am aware of my body; I am conscu uiousn of what it happeninng to it...
rarg I am tired.

feeling a bit cold.

as I just wrote a minute ago, but then dele d         ... closed the window by accident ( I have no idea how), my relfexes are shot at the moment. I aws was trying to pieck up a piece of paper towlel when I was salining my contact, and I almost dropped the damn thing because I      ... trying to thnkink of a word. missed I guessm but I don't like missed. if you're wmondering about the formatting in this post it was becasause I was try ing to represent all of the fucking up going on that you can't see because you just see the final thing and not the this.

I'm tired. in a couple of hours though I'll probably be wide awake again.
damn... I could use some water, but it 's all the way over there and I',m here and don't want to get up to get it... the really pathetivc thing is that before typing that in, I leaned back into such a positions in which I couldn't really ssee the computer monitor's contenets
and it feels in my head that that was supposed to be the end of the sentence, but I know there wqas more, which was that I couldn't see the screen, but I didn't want to go to the effort of raising my head not even six luousy inches...

but the purpose of putting in the spelling mistakes is to show that I am noticing them, but I'm making so many and I'm really reaally offf and sutuff

mmm I'm tired and would like to just rest. I think I fell asleep earlier again. fricken goddamn.
I want to lie back, put aside my computer, and layback and be comfortable without my computer being a focus

bleh lfljbfbossvbmcx,weopqxcvdfbp[ avbfdnal;bvpe[p'av/,. czx! yeah.

I ve been sitting in such a position in which my legs are uncomfortable and DAMN
they get so numb it hurts
one of my contacts just fell out... must go apply saline before it dies.

six twenty
I can see the sun shine orange through the window
I feel like I will crash in the next while... between 6 and 11 am is the hardest time to stay awake, always... need things to occupy this time.

still a bit cold from outside. took some marvelous photos of the budding branches of a willow; a streetlamp beside it lit up the fuzzy buds. I'm wrapping my coat around me to make myself warmer. I can feel my eyes in their sockets., and the nerves in my neck.
I cannot close my eyes. stop closing your eyes james.

....I wandered off and forgot about posting this; I think I again half-fell asleep. gah, it's hard, okay?

hrm... it's almost sunrise.
I can see nice colours out the window. once this song is over ( the young gods - moon revolutions), perhaps, I will go outside to look at it. sunrises are rather nice. I haven't actually gone and watched a sunrise during this... odd since I enjoy them so much.

and out will come my camera with me, of course... mmm sunrises.

... and some food would be good too. right now, the music is making me think of the book titus groan, by mervyn peake; the scene where keda is standing on a mountain, if I'm remembering correctly... the gormenghast trilogy is very good.

so far in this I've mentioned two of my favourite novels... will the third be placed?

hm... it's been almost an hour since my last post and I still haven't taken out my contacts yet... I should probably do that soon or else they're just going to get to my eyes... but I'll probably just end up leaving them in because I'm lazy.

and I'm being watched some more now...
my experiment has been cited by the one whose experiment I cited. reciprocality! oh yeah!
god, I'm so childish sometimes.

this thing has been consuming for the past three days now... I've been living with the goal of staying awake the whole time, though I've fallen asleep... twice, I think it was. there might have been a brief third; I can't quite remember. I think I'm going to try to continue this as long as I can, regardless of outside factors. the rest of my life can adapt to my project.

and I keep noticing my assistants haven't been assisting me too much in commenting... as if they have their own independent lives... huh! ah well. I've been remaining surprisingly sane...
though occasionally a bit off in my behaviour.

It's almost like our dreams have a completely different set of weights and measures for meaning. Completely different than waking life. The thing I want to know is if we can turn the knobs on these controls while awake. Dail up a dream-like set of weights and measures for the day.


so now we have a side objective. no, it's the same thing. not quite. this is more direct. my previous was just "what happens?" essentially, this is "make 'real life' into 'dream life'."
which reminds me, I still want to see waking life.

we're coming up with quite a list of related works, now aren't we? why am I referring to myself in the third person?

something I've noticed is that my roommate talks in his sleep.

it's three thirty... I should take out my contacts soon.
from the looks of it blogspot is acting up again... bad blogspot! bad!

I'm not really feeling tired, but I'm not really feeling awake... not really feeling like a clockwork toy either, as I mentioned before. I'm just there. sort of delirious in my mind, partially; I can feel the separation between the two portions again, though it's not acute at the moment... good word usage, james.

I like my painting I was working on earlier. and speaking of clockwork toys, I plan to add one into it soon; I just need to do some studies to make sure I can do it without fucking it up all over the place. if I fuck it up then I can't go back...

hm. I don't think I've sworn in here before. I could remove it but I don't feel like it.

it's amazing how much time you can spend doing nothing, even when there's things you want to do. it's amazing how there can be nothing I want to look at on the internet when I have a large list of bookmarks with sites that I want to go through more; a large list of journals and web comics with extensive archives that I want to go through, but I keep saying, "eh, later..." it's the same with books. it takes a good amount of initiative to do these things, because you know that once you get into them, you're committed and know you're going to be there for a while...

I can feel my forehead right now; my eyebrows are raised as a natural position; I can feel the ripples in my condensed forehead. I can feel my body sort of wavering as I sit here. the body can't take as much as the mind can, really... "the flesh is willing but the mind is weak." even though it's supposed to be the other way, both for the original thing and for my comments... bah, I don't care. and in situations where the flesh is willing, if the mind is getting in the way, it's typically the mind is too strong, rather than weak. fuck I'm killing my back and neck from hunching over my keyboard. I'm not even looking at the screen; I'm just staring at the black keys of my laptop with their left sides highlighted orange by my lava lamp, which is my light in the room because djordje is sleeping and this is a more ambient lighting...

the birthday party is playing on winamp right now, quietly. mr. clarinet. nick cave is so good. I need to get more birthday party albums... the info I've got says this is on hee-haw; judging from the sound of it I'd say jennifer's veil is probably also off of that one (which I also have on my computer). I'll have to get me hee-haw, then. and now allen ginsberg, howl. this is just turning incoherent in its irrelevancy, since now I am going to mention a cat and girl comic because I find them amusing...

and I'm going to stop right now and listen to ginsberg continue on.

my clock says 2:01 AM. Blogger says...

twenty after one... no, twenty to two. my mind didn't convert from the clock correctly. just came back from buying some orange crush. I was just sitting here reading webpages listed below, and I said to myself all of a sudden, "I want orange crush." and not that r.e.m. song. hah, I'm sooooo funny. went on a trip down to the pubs; the ab was closed, the cock & bull didn't have any, and the open end was too far down the hallway for me to care enough to go down to, despite going half the way there. but I decided I would head over to see about the falafel hut, if they had any, and the exit in vanier is the closest to the mall (here's a map of the campus if you're one of the random people who finds this; the area I'm talking about is on the top right side). I ended up going through the tunnels, rather surprised that they were open. it was my understanding, from past experience, that they lock them on the weekends. I don't think they know what they're doing with it, actually. eh. this has been a mundane accounting. the point is, anyway, that I now have orange crush, which I haven't had any of since I started writing this. I've been too caught up in this high intensity telling.

but yeah (which I say a lot, geez). I'm not really tired at the moment, though I can tell that a part of me disagrees. djordje, my roommate, who I've mentioned before but didn't say he was my roommate and I don't know how clear it was (which I'm getting into because of pedantics, I guess), is not here at the moment. my watch claims it's three now, because I don't adjust it for daylight savings time. I just heard it beep for the hour; so that's my way of knowing. my computer says it's 1:57 AM. I have a feeling that blogger will disagree, because it's been more off with my clock over the past while than before. 1:58 AM now. just had a sip of orange crush. my neck is sore from bad posture right now; my head feels a heavy weight on it. not that my head feels heavy; my neck just doesn't like its ordinary weight right now. brarg and nonsense. because nonsense is fun! (tm by me as of now. because I felt the urge to write that.) yeah.


just a note: my web provider (my school) is playing around with their service at the moment, so it's only working intermittently between fifty minutes ago and six am...

still awake on a related heading, and not feeling tired at the moment. not feeling social, though; probably has something to do with my hiding in my room for the better part of the day that is now officially yesterday.
now let's hope this'll post.

reading more of experiment 1: night, and maybe it is more connected than I thought...

la la la
I am awake
I feel like I am going to fall asleep again tonight
whether I want to or not
not right now but almost certainly later
bah for bodies not doing what you want them to
I think maybe I'll paint some more.

oh, and on a completely unrelated note, even to this project,
experiment 1: night is rather interesting. reminds me of notes from underground, actually. (feh, everything reminds me of notes from underground. I've made that comment so many times before... but still, this one does. and I like dostoevsky.) so read it. and notes as well. yeah.

Saturday, March 23, 2002
just walking around, I can feel my body is stressed from this...

hm, I'm tired now.
I've always had difficulty getting to sleep easily; now it feels like this may change that. I'm not opposed to that.

twenty to nine... I don't think I'm going to the show.
sorry joe.

still awake, obviously; still not tired as well. maybe that three-hour sleep this morning was enough to throw it off. I have been acting a bit more odd, though... bryanna was making a list of bizarre things I said earlier; I'm not sure if she's had a chance to add it on here yet.

looking through this, you can completely tell where I fell asleep. midsentenceness, such as here and here. it's so completely incoherent; it's great. it makes sense, and then all of a sudden, "arrr muddudlied-up works for sentings teh c"
I have no idea what I was writing with the more recent one. the earlier one, it looks like I was kind of responding to something at the end... what I wrote can be deciphered, but it's messy and misspelled. but the 'no, my head'? I have no idea.
it's amusing anyway.

and I'd like to write a story entirely like that, in that garbled nonsensiness... the only thing is sustaining that state of incomprehensibility to more than five seconds and still being functional... it's difficult to stay up that long. It's been harder than I thought it would be; it was much easier when I've stayed up for forty hours before.

alright, it's 7:20ish...
I am awake still again et cetera...
I went off to get food about three hours ago, got my food, and now I'm sort of hungry again, of course...

still don't know about my brother's show tonight, if I'm going... still don't know when it starts or anything, and I think he's probably gone down to it already... so.
from the looks of right now I'm probably not going, unless I'm leaving in the next few minutes. otherwise... yeah.

okay, blogspot is back for now...
and I still haven't really left my room...
and I'm feeling a bit hungry all of a sudden.

haven't opened my mouth to speak in a while; almost feels as if I can no longer talk... words... not .... forming... larynx... atrophing... gasp!.... typing... in.... individual... words!

yeah, I'm special.

it seems the blogspot server (which is hosting this right now) is not working properly at the moment... bad server! bad!
well, I can still post...
or I could switch the location of this to somewhere else, but I don't really want to go to that effort at the moment.


so let's say that this is still going on.
well, so far today, I've been being reclusive in my room. haven't gone out to talk to anyone. I've spent the past couple hours painting. abstract, strong rough brushstrokes, which has been my style lately. it needs a bit more work, though, I think. it's coming, though.

I say 'though' too much. I need to get more synonyms for it; it irritates me having it occur so many times in a row. yes, two counts as 'so many'.

I don't know if I'm tired. I feel like a clockwork toy, sort of; not tired, not awake, but just moving because someone wound the key. I like that image. I have a clockwork toy. it's very amusing. I got it in philidelphia a few years ago; I saw it and was enthralled. now I want to incorporate a clockwork toy into this painting. I'll need to do some sketches of it, then.

hm... actually, I can feel a bit of tiredness in my head, at the top back part of it. it's interesting how one can associate one's mind into a physical thing, and then associate mental qualities into physical spaces (as this is a mental tiredness, as opposed to physical).

my neck is somewhat cramped from my bad posture at my computer. I don't think I can find a better, more comfortable position now.
ah well.

I'm just thinking, I don't really consider that last attempt a failure. I did get to do some exploration of the subject; I just didn't quite get as far as I wanted.
there were parts last night where things were starting to go somewhat; I was walking around with my camera, and felt very in control of myself, but felt like I should behave a bit crazy. not as a form of pretension and a way of lying my way through this; behaving crazy felt like the right way to behave.
it was as though I could feel two layers of my mind: an upper layer, which is the one that was in control, the crazy feeling one; and a lower layer, which was the rational one that tempered the other. I know the left and right halves of the brain work differently, with left being the rational half and right being the more creative and emotional.
I also know the brain works largely through the production of chemicals to stimulate responses; in effect through drugs.
maybe a lack of sleep literally is your brain making yourself high, with sleep being a period in which the brain recuperates from all its chemicals and comes down. the excess chemicals in the brain cause it to work itself harder, which perhaps is why I could feel a greater amount of difference between my 'two minds', essentially my left and right brain.

except that I have no idea how accurate my science is; I didn't really ever take much. we can pretend, though.

and maybe I don't need to go for an attempt number two; maybe I can just continue this. I do still feel tired; it's just a matter of bringing myself up to that point again. most likely, then, is that this may extend into the later hours of sunday at least, unless I fall asleep again.

I think I need better teamwork as well. c'mon people, poke me in the shoulder if I'm falling asleep! which would mean that I need people around the whole time, really. I keep having my worst 'fallings asleeps' between six am and noon, when I'm not really around anyone. so. otherwise I might not make it past, "I'm really tired. I want to go to sleep but I can't."

I think this is screwed for now.

it's not that I've fallen asleep again, but I've rested for pretty much the entire morning. and I think it threw everything off. so I think maybe what I need to do is just rest and give it another shot later. attempt one was unsuccessful; hopefully attempt two will work better.

now, the next question is a matter of when can I do attempt number 2?
I'll have to try and figure that out.

and while I'm at it, it's cold in here.
I'm wrapping myself in my blanket and hoping I don't fall asleep. I'm also trying to have at least one light on so I'm not in sleepyland. djordje has gone to bed, so I'm inconveniecing hthe store
retelliung begins c

...dammit... it's nine now. I wrote that first part just after the last entry. this is very difficult.

I'm tired and not controlling my body properly.
occasionally my head droops and bobs and my eyes are ficusing and re-focusing randomly.


I am tired. my eyes are fighting me.
I just walked over to fill up my waterbottle, and kind of walked into the wall a bit. now I'm falling asleep over here.

rrarg.. I'm feeling tired again...
and no one else is around at the moment; everyone's headed off different ways.... damn it's gonna be difficult to stay awake. maybe food? I am feeling hungry, sort of.

fricken 2:23 in the morning. geesh.

one o'clock and all's well...
not tired really at all. considering about when I should take my contacts out, since I've had them in my eyes for ... 36 hours so far? by the time I take them out it'll probably be around forty or so... but yeah, three days is probably too long for me to leave them in (I know some people just leave them in all the time, but hey, that's a different system than mine, so...)
my brother's band is playing a show downtown tomorrow; I know he wanted me to come see it. I don't know if I'll be able to because of tiredness that may eventually accumulate by that time, or if I'll be awake enough... haven't had a chance to get a hold of him, though. so.

yeah. things.

now back to hanging around.

Friday, March 22, 2002
hm... still not tired.
though a bit idle.
listening to a tape of bjork performing live I have; she's so great. eating some bread because I was hungry and bought some earlier as something to just snack on. it's a good snacky thing.

man... I've got a lot of time left to deal with still... I wonder if that half-hour of sleep I had earlier did manage to mess things up? if it actually was enough to do the job of an entire evening of sleep, perhaps? I'm not tired really at all, so... I don't feel like another 24 hours would even be too big of a deal at the moment... just so long as I keep myself occupied with things.

like getting myself some water.

ten thirty five.
still not tired.
hm... I wonder when I'll get tired again?
it's been, what... 33, 34 hours?

da da dummm....

okay, I think it's been a while since I last updated... still awake, still sane. not really too tired again.
it just doesn't want to be a constant thing, does it?

okay, I'm feeling tired again.

not too tired, but still tired nonetheless.
and again, sigh.

apparently, I have an interesting concept.
good to know.

whee, free publicity!

... I am such a geek.

at the same time, it has come to my attention that outsiders to the project might not understand why I don't really want their comments, due to the same person, actually. this is because the only comments that I'm looking for with this are ones that are from people who can directly observe my behaviour as I get more and more sleep deprived. it was intended to be a clearer view of the world once it gets to the point where my perception of it is clouded. so far it hasn't gotten to this point (it's only been, what, thirty hours or so?) so the commenting hasn't been used for this really too much. the majoritry of comments so far have been inane, silly, or nonsense. this includes the majority of the comments I've made. not that I'm deriding your comments, friends; keep commenting. and, to all you people out there... well, I can't stop you from commenting if you're really so inclined.
... at least, not until after you comment. hee.
but if you're that set, go ahead. I'm not really going to stop you. I may, however, do some editing of comments later, so if you find your comments have been removed, it was for a greater degree of precision in the work. but I'll probably just be lazy and leave them in.

so yeah. that was my motive with the wording in the comment box. as with anything, though, feel free to ignore me.

la la lala...
5:35 pm and I'm still not tired again. so that's good.
I might last a while longer.

something. I hadn't really thought out what I was saying right now; I just felt it was an appropriate time to post.

my headache's not as bad now...

back from class. I have lunch.
unfortunately it is a bit cold from walking around with it for about the past fifteen minutes. darn weather and such.

the randomly bouncing tiredometer says I'm not too tired at the moment. it just can't seem to make up its mind: shall James be tired, or shall James be awake?

in completely unrelated news, things I've done off of my list from earlier:
gone to class, bought a metal palette knife, bought a stretched canvas because there was no more raw unstretched canvas left, took my pictures of my painting and the hole in the wall, finished the roll and brought it in to be developed. soo.... I need to buy real food to restock my supplies here still.

my class starts in a couple of minutes.
I should get over there.
I want to sleep, kind of. I don't really care, actually, but I feel like I'm going to fall asleep. feh. damn tiredness not behaving itself.

I may have just fallen asleep for a little bit. damn fricken' sleepy head.
well, I'll pretend I didn't.

breakfast is finished
two hours fifteen minutes until my class... how to occupy the time?
that, my friends, is the $64,000 question. because I, too, can make pop culture references to tv shows that I've never seen.

the power went off here for a moment earlier. lucky me with my laptop; it was merely a minor nuisance. I have battery power!
just wondering if my friends have made accomidations to cope with the scheduled power-outage. I know I didn't, having completely forgotten until it happened. so I know when some people have class (i.e. those in my class) but I don't know about others.

and I just got really freaking tired all of a sudden, halfway through that sentence. gah. go away, sleepy-head. it's making me want to lie down, and we can theorise about what would happen were I to lay down.
well, I just laid down on the floor, hurt my side on my belt, saw what was under my bed, and felt sleepy. grr tiredness. I think I may be lucky with this if I can make thirty-six hours. maybe it'll just increase itself into hyperbole by that time, just in its effects, not how tired I am, and I can pretend that it's good enough.

arrrrrggh. james is sleepy right now.
arrrrrr ajmes put his head sown for a moment. no, my head.

yes, I think so.
not tired, but my neck is cramped from sitting badly.

seven thirty.. not tired anymore
food soon.

just had a nice long shower. came back to my room and looked out the window - lo, it's morning!
trying to decide on what time this officially began at now... partial sleeps aren't real whole sleeps, so did this begin at 7:30 yesterday or not until one? or some time in between?
how long have I really been up?

I'm not sure how awake I am. I'm feeling awake in my mind, but part of my body feels tired. part of my mind feels tired as well. we just aren't made to be up much more than sixteen hours at a stretch, really. and this is about 23 hours by the 7:30 count; 17(?) by the one o'clock.
mmrm... in a few more hours I can go get some breakfast.

things for me to do today: go to class, buy milk, bread, soup, and other things so I don't have to wander away to get food, see if I can find a copy of waydowntown (because I associate it with this idea in my head), buy a metal palette knife because I keep breaking my plastic ones, maybe buy some unstretched canvas as well, take a picture of this wall beneath the colleges where someone put a hole in the drywall and there's tiles underneath (I thought it was neat), take a picture of my magnolia painting, finish up the rest of the roll (not 'role' as I initially wrote) and get it developed, stay awake, .... et cetera?

I'm kind of lying on my bed as I write this, though not a comfy sleep position. be careful james; you walk a thin line...

yeah. things.

five in the morning.
less tired now than earlier.
just watched "the hudsucker proxy" on citytv; amusing movie.
stephen is lying on the couch in the common room, to my knowledge. he said a moment ago that he was going to go home, but he might be wrong.
I wish I had taken my contacts out about two hours ago. it takes six hours for them to clean properly; my eyes don't want them in right now but I need them in less than six hours. especially since I just remembered that I ran out of milk this morning and I will need breakfast. maybe a quick saline rinse will do the trick.
so right now I'm going to take a shower. then I'll be nice and shiny clean. yay!

and that was a bit inane at the end... eh.

I am tired. I don't think this is the best time for me to be doing this project, as I haven't been getting as much sleep lately. I expect I'll end up crashing by tomorrow night probably.
plus additional outside stresses that are unrelated. yay fun.

Thursday, March 21, 2002
yeah. so I've only been up for about ten hours, and I'm tired. this is unusual for me. I normally don't go to bed until four in the morning. so needless to say this is off to a bit of a rocky start.

plus, my ankle's sore. damn ankle.

arbitrary noise.

this is a post for roxanne to make a comment about.

as for the rest of things, it's the middle of the day. well, I consider 7:00pm the middle of the day.
I am eating food, as a part of a reasonable eating pattern.
right now I have a bit of a headache, but I've had a bit of a headache all day. nothing important, really.

that's it for now. It's only been a few hours. it'll get more interesting later, I'm sure.

ten after one... I'm gonna get up now. I swear.
so it begins.

it's about a quarterv to twelve...
kinda half-slept, not entirely successful. I may lie in bed a while longer; I don't really want to consider myself awake yet.

I'll be up soon, probably.

it's about 7:30
and I'm awake...
goanna try and stave it off for a while and still sleep.

Monday, March 18, 2002
Yeah. So if you've stumbled into here, this is a project where I am trying to stay awake as long as I can and documenting it. That was a terrible sentence. The project begins on thursday march 21, 2002, probably around noon, and ends whenever I fall asleep.

Partial five minute sleeps don't count, in my mind.
Only big sleeps. So.

Ideally I'll last past the 72-hour barrier. I hear that's where it gets interesting. I've done to forty hours before, and I wasn't too tired at the end of that, so... we'll see.

Wish me luck, and see you thursday.